Wireless on OpenBSD - In this tutorial, I will show you how to setup and get connected to wireless networking from the command line and also show you how to setup automatic connect to wireless on boot. It really couldn't be any easier. OpenBSD makes it so simple to do. Its truly a breeze. So, in this first example, I will show you how to get connected to wireless from the command line

Configure your wireless interface

ifconfig <interface> nwid <network name> wpakey <password>

Here's an example

# ifconfig urtwn0 nwid mynetwork wpakey mypassword

Connect interface to wireless

after entering the above information, then we need to connect the interface using the command line

# ifconfig urtwn0 inet autoconf

That's it! You're now connected to your wireless network.

Connect automatically to wireless

To connect automatically when you boot your computer, we create the file /etc/hostname.urtwn0 for example if your interface name is called urtwn0 with the following contents

nwid mynetwork
wpakey mypassword

Now next time you boot your computer, you'll be automatically connected to your wireless network. If you need to restart your network, use the following.

# sh /etc/netstart

That's it for this tutorial on setting up wireless networking on OpenBSD. Tough wasn't it!

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