OpenBSD on a Raspberry Pi - Installing OpenBSD on a Raspberry Pi is actually very simple to do. However, you will first need to obtain a USB to TTL adapter You will also need a Micro SD card to write the OpenBSD image miniroot.img to.

Writing the install image to your media

So let's start by writing the install image miniroot75.img to our SD card. You want the image for the arm64 architecture from Once you have the installation image, assuming that our SD device is /dev/sd1

# dd if=miniroot75.img of=/dev/rsd1c bs=1M

Once you have written the image to the SD card, turn off your raspberry pi and insert the SD card.

Connect your adapter to the raspberry pi

Next, you will connect the USB to TTL adapter as shown in the link below. There are three leads that need to be connected. The black, white and green leads. Be careful to NOT connect the red lead to the raspberry pi. Bad things will happen.

Here's a diagram illustrating how the adapter should be connected to the pins on the raspberry pi.

  • Connect leads to raspberry pi pins
  • Connect USB to computer
  • Find the serial device in the /dev directory
  • Connect to the serial console

    Next we want to access the serial console as shown below. The following command is for a computer with OpenBSD installed on it. The computer you are using to connect to the raspberry pi.

    # cu -l /dev/cuaU0 -s 115200

    If you are using Linux, then use the command below.

    # screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

    Install OpenBSD on your Raspberry Pi

    Follow the simple directions below to install OpenBSD on your raspberry pi. For the most part, you will just be choosing the default options that are given to you as you go through the installation process.

  • Press enter when connected
  • Choose ( I ) to install
  • Choose http for location of sets
  • Enter hostname
  • Enable SSH at startup
  • Reboot
  • Disconnect leads and USB
  • That's it! Congratulations. Now that you have OpenBSD installed on your raspberry pi and the SSH server set up, you can now login to your raspberry pi remotely using SSH.

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